Thursday, October 31, 2013

This is our Christmas card, 2012.  Here we have us waiting inside while Santa climbs in through the chimney.  A little hard to make out, but everyone enjoyed it:)

                                                             Our Christmas Card, 2012
                                                           Vineed (husband) thought of fusing the snowman with something resembling the Indian Airlines Maharaja, and I came up with this.  We got propped as a present in the snow:)

This was a storyboard created for the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) in 2012, to help present the organization's programs for stress reduction for various communities.  The video can be found at

Monday, October 21, 2013

Illustration from my newest illustrated work 'My Mom Stands On Her Head'( written by Robyn Ringgold, Solar Publishing). The actual book cover is different, this is an inside illustration).
                                             My son doing what he loves to do, and my daughter reacting how she                          normally does.

This illustration was done for a girl who had started a blog in in honor of the Gulf Oil spill( BP), in 2010.  She had collected a number of illustrations by several contributing artists, and was aiming to collect $10,000 within a certain amount of days, each illustration selling for $10.  She succeeded, and, as I remember, went over her goal.

Book series, 'Lizzy Anne's Adventures', written by Sharon Zarrella  

This is probably my first ever attempt at Children's Book illustrating.  I'd done this for a friend who had wanted a teaching material for her coursework.

Latest book from the 'My Mom' series, 'My Mom Stands On Her Head'.  A book about Yoga, by Robyn Ringgold, Solar Publishing.

Actually done for my daughter's friend's birthday card, a tiny lover of dance. 

It could be loosely inspired by my daughter, but luckily she hasn't taken it too far.  

From a work of my own I'd started and aborted.  

Green fantasy.