Monday, October 21, 2013

                                             My son doing what he loves to do, and my daughter reacting how she                          normally does.

This illustration was done for a girl who had started a blog in in honor of the Gulf Oil spill( BP), in 2010.  She had collected a number of illustrations by several contributing artists, and was aiming to collect $10,000 within a certain amount of days, each illustration selling for $10.  She succeeded, and, as I remember, went over her goal.

Book series, 'Lizzy Anne's Adventures', written by Sharon Zarrella  

This is probably my first ever attempt at Children's Book illustrating.  I'd done this for a friend who had wanted a teaching material for her coursework.

Latest book from the 'My Mom' series, 'My Mom Stands On Her Head'.  A book about Yoga, by Robyn Ringgold, Solar Publishing.

Actually done for my daughter's friend's birthday card, a tiny lover of dance. 

It could be loosely inspired by my daughter, but luckily she hasn't taken it too far.  

From a work of my own I'd started and aborted.  

Green fantasy.

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